Publishing Services

Choose the book you want to publish.
We’ll do the rest.

At Digital Booster we offer the possibility of outsourcing the complete editorial process of one or more books (including editorial coordination), from the delivery of the manuscript (also printed book) to its printing. We also offer the possibility of outsourcing one or more services (for example, layout only, or layout and proofreading).

We have a large portfolio of proofreaders, native translators, and a large team of layout designers. We also have editors who ensure that our work is of the highest quality.


Scanning + OCR

We offer the option of delivering a physical book as an original, whether it can be guillotined or if the copy needs to be kept (in which case we will return it in perfect condition), as part of the full editorial process.
After scanning, we carry out OCR (Optical Character Recognition). This involves cleaning up the text, resulting in a typo-free Word document ready for import into InDesign.


We offer a complete layout service, including the incorporation of corrections made during the text revision process. This includes the insertion of figures, formulae, graphs, and any other elements the book may require.


We have a large pool of proofreaders specialised in several languages, so we can carry out all types of proofreading: copy editing (galley proofs, second proofs...) and line editing.


We can also take care of your printing needs, whether you have a full editorial process in place or just have some printing requirements (paper purchasing management, coordination with printers, optimisation, etc.).

And also…

Post-edited IA translation (consult available languages). We have a hand-picked team of native translators in both languages to ensure the highest possible quality. In addition to a thorough revision process, the proofreader and translator are in constant communication to ensure that the book conveys what the author intended.

AI translation without post-editing (more than 22 languages). For non-literary texts that do not require proofreading, we offer the delivery of translations using AI systems with an optimal end result.

We can also provide reading reports and the management of ISBNs and bar codes, amongst other services. The cost of these services will be dependent on whether they are part of a package with other services or whether they are contracted separately.



We offer the service of creating e-books in epub format, a standard format designed for digital books with a fluid content, so that they are compatible with any type of device. It can be ordered as a stand-alone product, with the editorial services required to create it, or it can be ordered to complement the printed book.


Our digital publishing services also include the creation of dynamic e-books. These can include links to other pages, video, sound and more, making the digital book experience more complete.


Neural voice audiobooks: We use a powerful AI tool that is able to capture all the elements present in the human voice, such as rhythm, intonation and emotional quality. We provide a high quality and fully immersive sensory experience. We use male and female neural voices. They are so real that you will have trouble telling them apart.



Human-narrated audiobooks: We also produce human voice audiobooks at the most competitive prices on the market.


In addition to the most common editorial services, we also offer other services related to the publishing world, such as promotional videos for your publishing projects. We provide translation, dubbing (human or AI voiceover), subtitling and packaging from the source video.

We can also help if one of your authors wants to make a video course from their bestselling non-fiction book. See the case of Don Miguel Ruiz Jr. and Christiane Northup below.



  • Quality

    Our quality is our greatest asset and what sets us apart. We pay attention to every detail, we take care of every part of the process, and we dedicate our time to doing everything with the care that your books deserve, so that they continue to be a reflection of your publishing house.

  • Full service

    Thanks to our full service, your only job is to be the editor. The only thing you need to worry about is getting your book into our hands. We’ll take care of the rest. Wherever you are in the world, you will be in direct, personal and constant contact with our team. From the text that you entrust to us, we can create anything from a printed book to a digital book or an audiobook. This ensures your presence in all markets.

  • Accesibility

    Have you ever thought about all the people who can't read, either because they don't know how or because they have a disability? With our audiobook production service, your titles can reach their hands, or rather their ears!

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